Tuesday, September 19, 2006

YOUTUBE scandels!

Well youtube fans I have some good news and some bad news. Lets start with the bad news, well seems someone has decided to start a big scare. They are making everyone think that big corporations are gonna invade youtube. I myself dont believe this, these people are telling everyone to make user names of big corporations so if they do come to youtube they have to buy thier name from you. Heres how i see this problem, all the dummies out there who decide to grab these user names before the big corperations grab them in youtube. Your gonna be the cause of youtube fallout by buying these user names youtube might just think the big corperations are trying to sneak in and thier gonna want money. Anyway now the good news i will continue to cast videos on youtube as long as its free or reasonably cheap, and to cover my company i'm working on starting up i grabbed "as the bar turns" so them dummies cant take my stuff. See my video at bottom.

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